Our Vision

Project Vision

Our Vision

Our mission is to fully utilize the Fantom network’s highly optimized blockchain technology to bring the best perpetual trading experience to DeFi users

All trades, in the beginning, will be facilitated through a singular liquidity pool that consists of multiple whitelisted assets with different weights. In the future, this will be expanded to allow for multiple liquidity pools with tokens of different categories (for example blue-chip assets, stablecoins, interest bearing tokens, etc.). This then allows for the opportunity to introduce voting mechanics for directing incentives between the various pools, all using the platform’s governance token, $MPX.

Required protocol keepers and liquidator bots will be gradually fully decentralized, utilizing proven tools such as Chainlink Automation.

To complement the protocol’s core offering, other products would be launched that would build on top of the existing model, such as a delta-neutral vault for MLP with risk-on and risk-off options that would integrate not only with Morphex, but with other Fantom protocols to provide users the highest yields.

Our vision for Morphex’s development also includes optimizing the mobile experience for DeFi perpetual platforms, developing Morphex in line with the Fantom Foundation’s roadmap, and growing not only real yield, but real partnerships with other protocols.